Tips For Making Your Apartment Feel More Grown-Up

You're not in college anymore and you want your home decor to reflect that. BentallGreenOak Residential Services has 5 tips to make your home decor feel a bit more mature.


Add plants

An easy way to make your apartment feel more grown-up is to add plants -- in particular succulents and cacti which are really easy to take care of. They freshen up any space, purify the air and look good in any room. A few other good options are snake plants and aloe vera.


Add framed artwork

It's time to get rid of all those movie posters on your walls and invest in some framed artwork. If there is a poster that you can't part with, frame it!  Otherwise, check out Homesense and Ikea for a great selection of frames, wall art and inspiration for creating a beautiful wall display in your apartment.


Buy a stylish couch

Say goodbye to the worn-out futon you've had in your living room for years and say hello to something a little more stylish and grown-up. If you like the idea of a sofa-bed, Structube has good budget-friendly options. You can also check out Ikea, which has a great selection of standard sofas that won't break the bank.


Organize, organize, organize!

Organizing your stuff is the key to making your apartment look more grown-up. Do you have magazines and books laying around? A simple solution for that is to get a cool magazine rack, a basket or a bookshelf. You can do a similar thing with wine and spirit bottles. Instead of leaving them scattered or on the floor, consider creating a mini-bar by purchasing a small cabinet or stand. You can organize everything nicely, plus it will make for a great visual display.



You know you're officially adulting when you start matching your towels and dinnerware. But don't worry, this is a good thing. Sell or get rid of mismatched items and invest in something fresh and new. Pick a theme or colour and buy your items accordingly Try to go for something that you won't get tired of quickly.



Take your bedroom to another level and get a proper bed frame. It's time to elevate your bed and get it off the floor. Buy a very simple bedframe from Wayfair. It will do the trick and is also affordable. Ikea also has a good selection -- especially if you prefer a bedframe with a headboard. This is also a good opportunity to invest in a new TV stand -- especially if you don't have one. Simply elevating certain items in your home will make a world of a difference. Check out this rustic stand from Wal-Mart!

BentallGreenOak Residential Services hopes you enjoyed these grown-up home decor tips. We hope they help you transform your apartment into a beautiful and more grown-up space! For information on BentallGreenOak properties across Canada, please visit our website.