Tips For Giving Up Plastic

Plastic pollution is a serious problem and we all know it. Don't lose hope -- there are easy ways in which we can tackle it together. BentallGreenOak Residential Services has a few suggestions for how you can cut down your own plastic use without too much effort.


Bring Your Own Bottle

It's time to give up water bottles and give new meaning to BYOB. One of the simplest things you can do to cut down your use of plastic is carry a reusable water bottle. Just think about how many plastic water bottles you go through in one day or a year - it adds up to a lot! Not only will you save money with a reusable water bottle, but you'll also help cut down plastic waste. There are many brands you can choose from including Kleen Kanteen, S'well, Nalgene and many more.


Reusable Coffee Cups

Did you know that most coffee cups cannot be recycled? Well, now you do! This is because they are coated in plastic to make sure the hot liquid inside doesn't leak all over the place. Consider buying a reusable cup. They come in different sizes and different materials including bamboo, glass or recyclable plastic. Check out KeepCup, Joco, Contigo or pick up a bamboo travel mug.


Shop in Bulk with Reusable Containers
The next time you go grocery shopping, consider going to a bulk store for most of your groceries. Bulk Barn is a great place to start. Think about what you need to get and bring the appropriate containers with you. They could be mason jars, tins and jars from Ikea or even previously used yogurt containers.


Glass or Steel Straws

Plastic straws are one of the most wasteful items ever designed. The next time you order a cold drink, either say no to a plastic straw or carry a reusable one with you. Many of them come in chic packaging, so they're very convenient to carry in your bag. Reduce your carbon footprint with glass straws or travel-friendly metal straws from EcoTribe.


Carry Reusable Bags

Always carry a reusable bag in your bag or your car. You never know when you'll need to pop into a grocery store. Plus, they can be small enough to fit in your pocket. You can purchase them online or at most grocery stores. But what about all those plastic bags we use for veggies and fruit? Think about getting fabric produce bags. They offer a great way to avoid using unnecessary plastic bags.


Pack Your Own Lunch

Packing your lunch is another smart way to reduce plastic waste. It forces you to use a reusable container and it saves you money. Unless you are having lunch at a sit down restaurant, most takeout containers are not recyclable or at least one of the take out items isn't -- such as the lid or cutlery.


BentallGreenOak Properties hopes these suggestions inspire you to think twice about single-use plastics. By making small changes to your lifestyle, you can make a huge impact on the planet. Please share this article to inspire others to adopt better habits, too!


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