Sustainable Products for your Home

Most of us care about the health of our planet. The problem is, some environmental issues seem so large that the prospect of making changes to tackle them feels impossible. But by making conscious, simple, and sustainable choices and sticking with them, you can make a positive impact on the planet. The BentallGreenOak Residential Services team wants to help you get started with some sustainable products to use in your home.


Clean and Green


Choosing eco-friendly brands for cleaning products can go a long way as you strive to reduce your footprint. They're also excellent when it comes to reducing your exposure to potentially toxic chemicals. There are many options for laundry detergent, dish soap, hand soap and more. Cut down on packaging by buying in bulk, using refillable glass bottles when possible. Make your own DIY household cleaners from everyday pantry items and keep them in a glass spray bottle.


Choose Recycled Products


Whenever possible, choose to use recycled products. Use them efficiently -- only as much as you need. This way you check each box of the three R's checklist -- Reduce, ReUse and Recycle. Buying recycled toilet paper is a great place to start. It's usually about the same price or less as regular brands, and the paper has already had at least one previous life cycle.


Bulk Food Staples


For food items that you use regularly, buying in bulk can be a great way to live more sustainably. Buying in bulk is also a good way to keep your grocery bills from skyrocketing. Choose to buy bulk staples like flour, sugar, coffee, grains and cereals and more. It costs less, requires less packaging, and you'll always have a large supply of what you need on hand. It's Win,Win,Win!


Eliminate Plastic Wherever Possible


We've all heard about giant floating garbage patches in the ocean, or marine animals dying with copious amounts of plastic in their stomachs. Single use plastics are convenient, but once you're done with them, they stick around for awhile. Petroleum-based plastics don't biodegrade the same way organic material does. Whether it winds up in our waters or in landfill, it will likely remain there for centuries. Reducing your plastic consumption is key. A good place to start is by using glass storage containers, reusable shopping bags (if you actually reuse them) and even replacing your plastic toiletries with biodegradable bamboo alternatives.


We're all in this together. If we all do our best as individuals, we can make a difference. It all starts with the choices we make everyday.


For information on BentallGreenOak Residential Properties for rent, please visit our website.