Support and shop local, from home!

Now more than ever, local businesses need your support. If you want to be a supportive consumer, here's how you can do it during the pandemic.


Keep shopping local


It's tempting to turn to big box stores that have mastered home delivery right now, but give the little shops a chance to earn your dollars, too. You might be pleasantly surprised by how thoughtful and accommodating they can be. They may even have more stock of certain items than the big players! When you choose to shop local during difficult times, you might find a more careful, personal touch from the business. Don't be surprised if your order comes with a handwritten note, is delivered or packed by the owner personally, or contains a gift. Those special touches make shopping local feel even more worthwhile. Great small businesses to shop with during this time include health food stores, pharmacies, independent grocery stores and boutiques. 


Order food in


If you love eating out, you're probably missing your favourite local restaurants right now. Chances are they're still open for takeout or delivery. Consider ordering takeout regularly from your favourite spots -- your orders will go a long way towards keeping your favourite establishments open during these difficult times!


Get coffee to go -- if it's an option


Coffee shops have been hit very hard by the pandemic. Some have kept their doors open, serving takeout coffee and treats to loyal customers. Before you order takeout from a big coffee chain like Starbucks, investigate if your local cafe is open for takeout. If they are, consider ordering from them regularly to help show them your support. A little effort from a lot of people will go a long way.


Make donations or advanced purchases


You can show your favourite businesses even more support by making donations to them directly or by buying things in advance. For example, some restaurants and cafes are accepting advanced meal purchases. This gives those establishments access to the money they need now without draining your wallet later. Email your favourite shops and establishments to inquire if you can donate or pre-buy from them. 


The team at BentallGreenOak hopes you are doing well during all this uncertainty. We will get through this together. 


 Looking for a place to call home? For information on BentallGreenOak rental properties across Canada, please visit our website.