Kid-friendly DIY holiday decorations

December has arrived and the holidays are just around the corner. Want to decorate your apartment with festive decorations that you make yourself with your kiddos? These DIY holiday decorations are a great activity for you and your kids, and they look awesome too.

Gingerbread village tablescape 

If you love to bake with your kids, why not bake a tiny village of Gingerbread houses together. They'll look amazing as the centrepiece of your holiday dining table or on top of a mantle. Best of all, they naturally double as dessert! Once baked and decorated, arrange them in a cluster on a table runner. If you want the display to look extra special, arrange a few fake tiny trees between the houses.

Popsicle stick Nutcracker ornaments 

Homemade ornaments are well worth the trouble as they'll hold a special place in your heart for years to come. We love this adorable popsicle stick Nutcracker ornament! It's easy enough to make that your kids can get their hands dirty and make a few with you. Watch the video tutorial

Kids hand print wreath

If you like hanging a wreath on your door, or on your wall, at this time of year, this kids hand print wreath is the perfect holiday craft project. Easy to make and adorable, it's a wreath made from paper cutouts of your child's hand shape. It's festive and has memories of their tininess built right in.

Popsicle stick menorah 

Celebrating Hanukkah this year? Get your kids involved with this popsicle stick menorah craft project! The finished product is pretty impressive looking and safe to use for your candle lighting ceremony. 

Easy Christmas stockings 

If you like to hang Christmas stockings, why not make your own with the kids using this easy sewing pattern and tutorial. It's a great project if your kids can sew by hand or use a machine. If they can't sew yet, you can encourage them to get super creative with this one by picking out fun fabric and decorations for their stockings.

We hope you'll give these DIY holiday decorations a try this year! Happy holidays from our family to yours. 

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