Interior design decor trends for 2021

Life has changed a lot over the last year. With many of us spending much more time at home, it may be more important than ever to create comfortable and beautiful living spaces that you want to spend time in. If you are feeling like you are ready for a change, it might be time to give your space a makeover with these 2021 home decor trends.


Bold Furniture


When it comes to furniture choices, why be timid? The trend for 2021 favours the bold. Look for big florals, stunning plaids, and maybe even tie-dye. It's time to make living rooms lively!




A portmanteau of Japanese and Scandinavian, Japandi is a synergy of 'hygge' (finding pleasure in the simplest of things) and 'wabi-sabi' (finding beauty in imperfection). It's a clean and cozy take on minimalism. This style combines clean lines and neutral tones with natural textures to create an unpretentious atmosphere of tranquillity. Couldn't we all use a little of that right now? 




Each generation has a tendency to rebel against the style of their parents. Some millennials are opting for the opposite of sleek, modern minimalism. Grandmillenial style is a modern take on granny-chic. You could also call it an Ode to Old-School, or Antique Chic. Think florals, frills and needlepoint artwork that combine to create a cozy elegance that your Grandma would gush over.


Lived-In Luxury


With many families spending more time together at home, there is a trend toward multifunctional spaces that are comfortable and relaxed, yet beautiful. We want living rooms that can look lived in. These are spaces that take pleasure in the plush. Think sumptuous sofas, cozy chairs and smart storage solutions to help keep everything in its place. 


We hope that these interior decor trends help you transform your living space to suit your personal style and specific needs. 


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