How to Spring Clean Like a Pro

Ah, spring. This robin-singing time of year reminds us that life actually exists. In spring, we hibernating bears of a populous rise, stretch, and rub our bellies. And while our first thought tends to be where to get breakfast, the second (or 100th) often lingers on the need to clean the den. Putting away winter clothes and storing boots and jackets shows just how dirty stuff gets over the winter. And while on the surface there's not a lot of fun in cleaning, the act of it clears a path for the freshness of the season to penetrate our lives. For some ideas for how to clean like a pro this spring, the team at BentallGreenOak Residential Services brings you this cleaning guide to help usher in the season.


Spread it Out

Save yourself some sanity and don't do it all in one go. Spring cleaning doesn't have to be a marathon. While benefits to refreshing your soul and karma as a result may in fact exist, the dirty, sweat-inducing act of cleaning still sucks to do in one day (or one weekend). Spread it out. Tackle one room at a time. This approach does make it easy to never actually get it all done mind you, so be sure to keep at it.


Get Help

Don't do it alone. This might be tough for those who actually live alone, but enlisting help can be as easy as asking for it. Split the job with your partner. Ask your roommate to do their part. Throw a cleaning party, invite your friends, and buy some beer and pizza as payment. The more the merrier, and many hands make light work. Check out more.


Flip it

Beds are often overlooked when it comes to cleaning. Mattresses need attention too. Flip it over every three-six months. Also change up the head and foot ends.  This aids in maintaining a mattress' shape.  You can also vacuum it on a low setting to get rid of dust mites, skin, and lint. Do the same with your couch and couch cushions.  Read more.



Carpets can get nasty, even with regular vacuuming. They're a magnet for dust, dirt, and hair. For a deep spring cleaning, go grab a steam cleaner and go to town. You don't necessarily have to do the entire house or apartment. Focus on the most used areas: hallways, front door, bedroom, and bathroom (if it's carpeted).  Learn more.


Miscellaneous Items

The usual cleaning routine tends to neglect certain areas: lamp shades, curtains, walls/corners, and obviously behind and under basically everything. You don't have to put all your furniture into storage for a good cleaning, but pay attention to some of these things that rarely get cleaned. Wash windows and shower curtains, wipe down lamp shades, dust those cobwebs in wall corners, and maybe even rotate furniture items to clean under and around them.


The BentallGreenOak Residential Services blog team hopes this list helps make your spring cleaning a little easier.  For more information about BentallGreenOak properties in your city, please visit our website.