How To Make Your Apartment Chic And Cozy For Winter

'Tis the season for sweaters, hot chocolate and curling up by a fireplace. If you want to make your apartment feel super cozy and chic this winter season, check out these suggestions from BentallGreenOak.


Add a Fluffy Rug

Create an inviting and cozy atmosphere by adding a fluffy rug to a room. Exposed hardwood floors are great for summer, but in winter you're going to need a soft, cozy rug to make your place feel warmer. Check out Wayfair, Ikea and Bed, Bath and Beyond for great options.


Use Books As Decoration

There's something undeniably cozy and inviting about books. A good book, a comfy chair and a cup of tea are the three key ingredients for a cozy vibe! If you're someone who owns a lot of books, be sure to display them. Put them up on a few shelves in your favourite cozy nook or display them proudly on a coffee table.


Update Your Throws

It's time to change up your summer throw blankets for something a little warmer and cozier. Soft wool blankets and faux fur throws are perfect for cold weather. Not only do they serve a purpose and actually keep you warm, but they also look great as decoration.


Create Mood Lighting

When it comes to creating a cozy atmosphere, it's all about the lighting. Add a few candles to a room and light them in the evening to create a warm, inviting space. If you are worried about open flames, try LED candles instead. Twinkle lights are another great electric option which look great all year round.


Add Soft Pillows

When you're shopping for pillows, choose ones that are soft and comfortable. Fleece, velvet and faux fur pillows are always perfect for when you want to warm up and get cozy on the couch. Indigo and Crate and Barrel have some great options, so be sure to check them out!


We hope these decor tips from BentallGreenOak help you transform your apartment into a cozy and chic space this winter.


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