How to Make a Studio Apartment Feel Bigger

When it comes to studio apartments, space and storage are two constant challenges. From winter clothes to bikes, it can be a daily dance to keep things in their place. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to give small spaces a bigger feel. Little changes like the right paint, extra shelving, mirrors, and clever storage can make a big impact. To help you make your studio space feel larger and more functional, the team at BentallGreenOak Residential Services has curated this list of tips and tricks.


Paint & Wall Color

Whites and eggshell shades of paint can really make a room feel bigger. Removing the potential for shadows and hiding natural lines is what white paint is all about. You can keep the spacious feeling, but still add a touch of colour to the space with yellows, taupes, light blues, and pastels. See more.


Use hidden storage and multi-use furniture items

Don't have enough storage space? No problem! There are a ton of practical solutions for the storage challenged. From flip top ottomans serving as a triple threat footrest, coffee tables with storage, storage bins, mounted shelving, bed headboards that flip to reveal cupboards, and myriad other ideas, you can make some room and get organized. Learn more.


Large and dramatic artwork for your walls

Nothing says big like a large piece of art. While art isn't the cheapest of accoutrements, choice pieces can be found as prints and reproductions. Covering the majority of a wall with a single piece of art draws the eye upward and focuses attention on the scale of the art -- which naturally implies that it's mounted on a large wall. Find out more.


Get Furniture with Exposed Legs

It doesn't sound like a useful tip, but furniture that has exposed legs can really make a space feel bigger. It lets light flow under and around an item, and it allows the eye to see more space and definition in a room. Ultimately, being able to see from wall to wall in and around furniture pieces gives the impression of more space.  Check it out.


Bruce Lee Tip: Mirrors

Mirrors reflect light and give the illusion of depth. Both are hugely important components in creating an expansive feeling in small spaces. By positioning mirrors creatively --such as on walls that are opposite to windows, or behind furniture, and in different size variations-- you can improve lighting conditions and help provide the feeling of more spaciousness. Read more.


Sofa or Murphy beds

A sofa bed, or a classic wall-mounted Murphy bed, can do wonders for space saving in a small apartment. Pull-out sofa beds are becoming more and more comfortable, and they increase functionality of a small studio space by removing the standard bed component which hogs a big chunk of space.  Learn more.



Mess takes up space. From dirty (or clean) laundry, to shoes, books, papers, and photos, nothing eats up space like clutter. Be cutthroat and get rid of what doesn't serve you. Decide what you need and toss the rest. Another good tip is to put things in their places when they are not in use.


The BentallGreenOak Residential Services blog team hopes this list gives you some ideas for how to make your small space feel bigger. For more information about BentallGreenOak properties in your city, please visit our website.