How to Green Up Your Laundry Routine

Laundry isn't usually top of mind when it comes to saving the environment. With global warming, plastic islands in the Pacific, and other immense threats to the planet, what happens in the laundry room tends to fall lower down the list in terms of seriousness.  But Margaret Mead's famous quote about individual citizens changing the world is, and always has been, the only way lasting change is made. And yes, that means laundry. From water use, to detergents, and how often you wash, there's a ton you can do to reduce your environmental footprint.  To help you do your part for a sustainable future, the team at BentallGreenOak Residential Services brings you this list of ways to green up your laundry routine.


Eco-friendly Detergent

There are more and more eco-friendly detergents popping up on the market. Look for products that are free of phosphates, contain biodegradable ingredients, and omit surfactants, dyes, or perfumes. Making conscious purchases helps keep our water clean. Many of these detergents are just as good as standard detergents in terms of cleaning power.  Now more than ever, it's up to the consumer to exercise their buying power. Grab an eco-friendly detergent next time you need some. See more.


Wash Less

The average Canadian washes most pieces of clothing after one use. Unless you're a wolverine living in the woods, for most folks, this is overkill.  And for the fashion conscious, washing clothes is hard on them. It fades colors, thins out fabric, shrinks seams, and wears down logos and decals. Washing less often doesn't just use less water and detergent, it helps your clothes last longer. Learn more.


Use Cold Water

Washing clothes in warm water doesn't only cost more in terms of energy use, it doesn't get them that much cleaner. Lower temperature washing protects clothing dyes and helps prevent shrinkage. Stains, like blood, should only be washed in cold water. Switching to cold is better for your clothes, and for the environment. Read more.


Skip Dryer Sheets

A one-use product that isn't functionally recyclable, dryer sheets are basically garbage-in-waiting.  Sure, they add a fresh smell to your clothes, but it's short lived, full of chemicals, and really, static cling isn't such a humanitarian crisis as to warrant their use. If you can't imagine life without them, there are a number of eco-friendly versions out there, and also eco-friendly fabric softener options to use in lieu of dryer sheets. Learn more.


Hang to Dry

Choose the most eco-friendly option there is and hang your clothes to dry. While this isn't always possible in small apartments, or during the winter months, most living spaces have enough room to hang shirts, shrinkable sweaters and t-shirts, wool items and more. The shower curtain rod, doors, chair-backs, and drying racks all offer natural drying solutions. 


The BentallGreenOak Residential Services blog team hopes this list gives you some ideas for how to go green with your laundry. For more information about BentallGreenOak properties in your city, please visit our website.