Fun Family Projects for March Break

A March Break at home can be just as epic as one away. With a touch of creativity, and a bit of planning, it can be an adventure for the whole family. To help give you some ideas for March Break this year, the team at BentallGreenOak Residential Services brings you this list of fun projects for the whole family to enjoy.



Joining colored blocks to make everything from ships and planes to bases and towns has been a hit since 1932 (seriously). It's only gotten more popular with Lego feature films of recent years, and it's sensational for a full family March Break project. While buying a set and following the directions is fun, get creative and make something sprawling from scratch -- like a space station, a town, or a monster ship -- the sky's the limit.



Forts are cool at any age. They can be simple or complex, can be made inside or out, and they're perfect for a family project. The materials you use can be anything from couch cushions to moving or storage boxes, garage tires, bubble wrap, nature items, or full on 2x4s from Home Depot. For multi-day family fort fun, make every step a family affair: planning, choosing a location, drawing blueprints, choosing materials, and the construction. Include breaks and snacks to keep the creative juices flowing and your kids smiling. Learn more.


Cook Together

Despite the patience required for cooking, kids can be enthusiastic little helpers. For a family cooking project, try making something fun and a little messy but tasty, like fresh pasta noodles, bread, cakes, muffins, gingerbread. All you need to do is set aside some time to grab ingredients and get cooking. If you want to  If you're raising a little gourmand, create a "tasting" menu. Get the whole family together to come up with a multi-course meal plan, shop, then cook together. Make a big show of the prep, cooking, plating, and serve it like a pretend restaurant. Learn more.


Epic Catan

The world can be split into two groups: those who love board games, and those who hate them. Love em or hate em, they're great for groups. Playing games is also a great way to spend time with the family. Settlers of Catan, Risk, Monopoly, and Star Wars Rebellion are examples of games that can go on potentially for days. A long-form game that can span a few days is perfect for March Break.


We hope this list of fun family projects helps you plan a great March Break at home. For more information about BentallGreenOak properties in your city, please visit our website.