Celebrate Earth Day!

Earth Day 2019 is coming soon! There are so many great ways to support and be a part of this great environmental movement. BentallGreenOak Residential Services has suggestions for how you can celebrate and give back on Earth Day.


Participate in Earth Hour


Earth Hour is a global movement that inspires people to take action towards climate change by turning off their lights for one hour on March 30th. This is something easy enough for everyone to do because it doesn't require a huge commitment, but it does make a significant impact. If everyone turned off their lights for just one hour a day, imagine how much energy could be saved!


Plant a Tree


Planting trees is one of the best ways to positively impact the environment. If you can't get involved physically, you can always donate to a great cause. Check out Tree Canada for many ways to contribute. Plant a tree for as little as $4 or $40 for an urban tree. You can also purchase a tuque, and for each one purchased, a tree will be planted. You'll also receive a tax receipt. If you're looking for a unique birthday gift idea, you can get a tribute tree certificate for someone special and a tree will be donated through the National Greening Program.


Use Reusable Bottles and Cups


Take action against single-use plastic waste and invest in a reusable water bottle. We throw out so many bottles every day and this can be avoided by simply having your own water bottle which you can refill anytime. Not only will you help the environment, but you'll also save money! Go a step further and buy a reusable coffee cup. Most people actually don't know that the majority of takeaway coffee cups are not recyclable. This is because the cups are coated with plastic! There are many options for a good reusable cup, including the simple and stylish Keep Cup.


Take Public Transit


Commit to one week of using only public transit. By not driving, you can help reduce harmful greenhouse emissions and save energy. If this is not possible for you, try to carpool with your friends,  colleagues or neighbours. Another option is to cycle or walk to work or school, depending on where you live. The idea is to use your car as little as possible and it's only for one week!


BentallGreenOak hopes these ideas inspire you to take part in this global event. For information on BentallGreenOak properties across Canada, please visit our website.