5 fun ways to spend a day at home

We're all spending a lot of time at home these days. If you feel like you're coming down with a case of cabin fever, we hope that these 5 fun ways to spend a day at home provide you with the perfect pick-me-up! 


Build a box car


With an empty cardboard box, some washable craft paint, scissors and glue, it's easy to build a basic cardboard box car (powered by parent-pushing). If your kid craves something a bit flashier, you can opt for a cardboard race car. Once it's built (and you're tired of pushing them around in it) you can park the box car in front of the TV and enjoy a 'drive-in' movie at home. Don't forget the popcorn!


Build a fort


Let's face it, the idea of building a fort is appealing whether you have kids or not! From a basic blanket and pillow fort, to a wood and fabric A-frame tent, building a fort is a great way to spend the day and the perfect spot to camp out for the night!


At-home spa day


Taking some time for self care is important -- especially during stressful times. Pamper yourself with an at-home spa day (or night). Run a hot bath, slice some cucumbers for your eyes, treat yourself to some moisturizing bath bombs and schedule some serious 'me time' in the tub. You may even want to get your hands on an at-home manicure kit to really nail your at-home spa day!


Game night


Don't forget about the simple pleasure of a good game. If you've been out of the game loop lately, you're going to be pleasantly surprised at how far things have come. Whether you're going to gather the family together for board games, or you're going solo with a video game, the fun is built right in. 


Choose a themed dinner


We're faced with the "what's for dinner?" dilemma daily. Tackle the issue in a fun and creative way by choosing a meal theme. A meal theme is a great tool to spark culinary inspiration and inspire creativity, all while narrowing down possible dinner ideas. Think Meatless Monday, Fish Friday. How about Breakfast for Dinner or Italian Night?


We hope these 5 fun ways to spend a day at home help you combat cabin fever!


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