4 ways to green up your morning routine

The seemingly small choices we make every day can lead to big changes. If you're looking to green up your morning routine, we're here to offer 4 tips on how to start your day off on the right foot. 


1. Make your coffee habit greener 


For many of us, the best part of getting up in the morning is a cup of fresh, hot coffee. If you want to green up your beans, look for organic coffee as it's grown without all the chemicals and pesticides. This is good for you and good for the ecosystem of origin and the wildlife that lives there. When you shop Fairtrade coffee, you help ensure that a fair living wage is paid to the coffee farmers and that environmental standards are upheld. Look for fairtrade certified beans. When it comes to brewing it, look for a reusable coffee filter or unbleached natural paper filters. If you insist on getting your coffee on the go, be sure to bring your own reusable coffee mug


2. Meat-free brekkie


Your coffee is brewing and now it's time to make breakfast. Your choice of ingredients can have a big impact on the environment. Eating less meat is one of the most effective ways we as individuals can walk the planet with a lighter footprint. Choose to make at least a couple of plant based or meatless breakfasts each week. 


3. Conserve water 


With breakfast out of the way, it's time to brush your teeth and jump in the shower. This is a great opportunity to green up your morning routine and conserve water. Remember to turn the water off as you brush and keep your shower short, rather than languishing in the hot stream. If you shorten the length of your shower by a minute or two, you can conserve over 550 litres of water per month.


4. Use eco-friendly toiletry and beauty products


After a quick shower, it's time for your morning beauty routine. If you look for eco-friendly and/or zero waste beauty products you will be able to look yourself in the mirror and feel better about your choices. 


We hope that these simple and effective ways to green up your morning routine help you to make informed choices that you can feel good about and everyone can benefit from. 

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